St. Wilfred's College of Law


First Year LLB & BA LLB: Your admission will not be completed till you get your documents verified from the concerned college authorities. Please follow the admission procedure given by the college. Please use modern browsers like Chrome, or Mozilla to fill the form

Enter PR Number / CET ID / Form ID to open online Admission Form.
Steps to fill the Online Admission Form:
  1. Select the Specific Course and Year.
  2. Fill all the details appropriately.
  3. Upload the Photograph in specified size.
  4. Please verify the details you have filled.
  5. Online admission Form cannot be submitted unless all the fields are filled.
  6. No change can be made after the form is submitted.
  7. Click on Submit.

After Submitting your form, you will get the “Success Page”. For Admission related queries please contact : [email protected] or Call us feel free : 02143-239091